Training Offerings

We offer online and onsite training courses. We will be by your side through your journey to world class.
Don’t see something you need? We can customize a class for you.


  • Maintenance & Reliability Best Practices

Asset Management

  • Asset Management Best Practices
  • Design for Reliability

Maintenance Management

  • Planning and Scheduling
  • Predictive Maintenance Technologies
  • Precision Maintenance Basics
  • FMEA and RCM
  • Asset Strategy Development
  • CMMS Setup and Utilization
  • MRO and Storeroom Management
  • Root Cause Analysis

Operational Reliability

  • Basics of TPM
  • Lean and SIX Sigma Maintenance Best Practices

Culture and Leadership


Find your opportunities and create a strategy for improvement using the MRBP framework. The assessment process utilizes various touchpoints to evaluate your plant against best practices. In addition, the assessment process allows you to prioritize gaps based on business value and ease of implementation to ensure you show value and gain support for future efforts.

See Charting Example Below:

Chart Example

Loss Analysis

We will come out to your facility and due a full line loss analysis based on our 30 Major Manufacturing Loss platform with a focus on the 7 Big Losses. Conducting a loss analysis will allow us to understand what losses are truly impacting the organization and affecting the ability to produce at the rate in which the organization had initially designed it to produce. We will provide an overall performance chart, a Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Throughput Opportunity Pareto, and a Sales Revenue Pareto. Ridding the facility of losses will lower stress & costs, increase engagement & throughput, and raise dramatically increase profits.

See Charting Examples Below:

Operational Reliability Example

CVP Chart

30 Major Losses Platform

30 Major Losses

Overall Performance Chart Example

Loss Analysis Results

Throughput Opportunity Chart Example

Assessment Exit Slides

Sales Revenue Opportunity Chart Example

Sales Revenue Opportunity


Allows us to transform your organization from the culture to the organizational objectives through the implementation of our Holistic Manufacturing Model with the use of our framework of Holistic Reliability.

We specialize in making plants more profitable. Through the implementation of our customized approach, geared towards mitigating or eliminating problems that have been revealed through the assessment and loss analysis, we can help to drive out these issues and train your team to resolve any new issues that arise. We develop the plan in a way that allows us to hand off the results with the ability of your team to not only sustain the gains but continue to improve the organization. We will train employees, set standards, develop teams, improve systems and audit against the process.

See Charting Examples Below:

Before and After Cleaning Standard Example

Before and After Cleaning

CIL Audit Example

CIL Audit

Coaching and Mentoring

Both coaching and mentoring are processes that enable clients to achieve their full potential. At ReliabilityX, our desire is to see people reach their full potential and pass their successes and wisdom onto others. While both help others realize their potential, there are a few differences.

Coaching and Mentoring

What is Coaching?

A coach is a facilitator of learning that passes his or her knowledge on to others. They cultivate and nurture growth within the individual, helping them to see their full potential, maximize their performance and see just how amazing they really are. Coaching focuses on the here-and-now problems while helping to set the path of excellence for others to achieve.

What is Mentoring?

A mentor is a guide sharing his or her wisdom with those less experienced. They cultivate and nurture growth within the individual, helping them to see their full potential, maximize their performance and see just how amazing they really are. Mentoring focuses on the future and a broader skill-set for future growth.


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